Donate Now

Your donation makes a difference.

Oxford Community Foundation offers a variety of giving options. Whether it’s setting up an endowment fund or contributing to our operating fund, an existing fund, or making a legacy gift, we will work with you to meet your financial needs and your personal philanthropic goals.  Charitable tax receipts are issued for any gift of $20 or more.  Oxford Community Foundation Registered Charity : 894818103 RR0001

Here are a few of the most popular ways to give:

Cash or Cheque
Cheques can be mailed to or dropped off at Oxford Community Foundation, 447 Hunter Street, Woodstock, ON  N4S 4G7.

E-transfer can be sent  If you would like a charitable receipt, your contact information included your address is required according to CRA requirements.  Please provide in the memo line or send an email to

Credit Card
We partner with CanadaHelps to make credit card donating simple and convenient to make one time or monthly recurring giving through your credit card.

Publicly Traded Securities
A gift of publicly traded securities is the transfer of ownership of stocks, bonds or mutual funds to Oxford Community Foundation. Did you know that if you own shares that have increased in value, the capital gains are taxable. However, if you donate these shares in-kind to Oxford Community Foundation, the entire gain is tax-exempt. You can use this OCF Share Transfer Form or contact us if you have questions.

Life Insurance
By naming Oxford Community Foundation as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, you can provide a sizeable future gift to the Foundation at an affordable current cost, without reducing what you give to family and friends through your estate. If you designate Oxford Community Foundation as the irrevocable beneficiary or owner and beneficiary of your life insurance policy, we will be able to provide you with an official receipt for income tax purposes for the amount of premium you pay each year.

Name Oxford Community Foundation as the beneficiary of your Registered Retirement Savings Plan, Registered Retirement Income Fund or Tax-Free Savings Account and make a significant donation, while saving your Estate from paying probate tax on the proceeds.

Gifts in your will
A well prepared, up-to-date Will is important so that you can make your final wishes known. A charitable bequest in your Will can provide a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your Estate, or a gift of the residue, which consists of whatever remains in your Estate after gifts to your loved ones and all expenses have been paid. Oxford Community Foundation will provide an official receipt for income tax purposes to your estate when it receives the bequest.

Here is some sample wording for a general gift to Oxford Community Foundation:
“I give Oxford Community Foundation (Charitable Number: 89481 8103 RR0001) the sum of $ __________ OR __________% or the residue of my estate.” *

*This sample bequest language is provided as a resource only and Oxford Community Foundation is not providing legal advice. To ensure that your will, or any codicil to it, is valid and takes full advantage of current laws, please consult your lawyer or notary.

For more information, please contact, Louise Wardrop, Executive Director,

Oxford Community Foundation is a Registered Charity
BN 894818103RR0001

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